The class that loves to learn

Monthly Archives: November 2013

This week we have been learning all about space, we read a book called ‘The way back home’. We used lots of technology to tell you about the facts we have learnt. We were very lucky to be the first class to use the green screen. We also retold the story using story mics.

The children have also been experimenting with weight. They have been using words to describe how heavy an object is.

This week we have learnt how to write n m b p.

The words we have learned to far are,  I me a at it is and dad can as an dog cat to the get big had him his mum got away day  play up .

Can we use any of these words to make a sentence?

Next week we will be continuing to learn about space. We will be looking at videos about real people who go into space. We will also watch the first moon landing and think about what it would have been like. In numeracy we will be learning about more and fewer.

Have a lovely weekend my superstars! :-)

Mr Herlihy

Here are some videos of the children during their French lesson. Please check out the French blog.

The children have been learning about space. We have been reading the story ‘The Way Back Home’. I challenged the children to re-tell the story. Check it out!

Check out the space songs.

Here is a video to help you write the p sound.

Brilliant views from the international space station. Watch the video and leave a comment about what you can see from space.

Here is the video the children made this morning.

Today the children were lucky to be the first class to use the new green screen. They used the camera and worked really well as a group. The movie will follow very shortly.

The hoop is already taking shape. The children have been busy weaving different types of green material. We are nearly out of green bags, material and paper. Could you please check your home tonight to see if you have any lying around. A huge thank you for those of you that have already brought bits in. Here are a few pictures to show you the work they have done so far.