The class that loves to learn

Author Archives: 4IH

Here is a video with some of the highlights of the year. Enjoy!

Rock stars

Check out this amazing photo from yesterday. If you have anymore please send the in.

Just to let you know we will be having one more P.E. session tomorrow. It will be the last one of the school year. If you don’t have kit in school please make sure you bring some in.

I was so proud of the children this morning. They performed their little socks off and put on a great show. Here are the music videos they produced. Enjoy!

Hi everyone,

Our music concert is tomorrow! Please come and get tickets for £1 from me. Our song is from the 1980s… If the children could come with a 80s costume that would be brilliant. Don’t worry if you don’t have one.


Mr Herlihy

We have had a great week meeting our new class mates and finding out what they like and don’t like. We also made a trip to our new classrooms and looked at how they were different to ours. They are all very excited and enjoyed finding out about each other.

We have also been learning a song for a forth coming end of term concert… watch this space to find out more.

The more we practise the better we get! This week we have become stars at counting, adding together two groups of objects and working out number problems.

Next week we will be learning about beach safety in preparation for our beach trip.

We will also be returning to looking at 3D shapes and their properties.

Have a great weekend my little superstars!

Mr Herlihy

Please be aware that the train on Friday 11th July will be very busy as we have been informed there is another school travelling on the same train. We had booked a carriage but there was clerical error and they have double booked the 9:37 a.m train from Bromley South, which means unfortunately we don’t have any reserved seats. We just wanted to let you know in advance as the train will be very busy. For the return journey (15:41) we have managed to reserve 100 seats so we suggest you take this train home. The school teachers will be leaving on the 15:11 train as we have arranged to bring the children who are travelling with us back at that time. The same school party are returning on the 15.11 train hence why we suggest you take the 15:41 (or later) train for ease of comfort.

The children have spent two sessions getting to know their new class mates and today finding out what classroom they will be in.

We would like to compile a contacts list for the new classes. If you would like to be included tomorrow there will be a list for each class so you can put down your email address and contact number on it. The reason for getting the list together is so that you can arrange play dates over the holidays and start to get to know some of the families you don’t know so well. Please be aware that the list will then be sent to all the families in your new class. Do not give your contact details if you do not want them to be distributed. If you would like to be added to the list but are unable to get to class email me the following details:

Child’s name
Parent or carers name
Contact details (telephone and email)

Thanks for your support!

Mr Herlihy

What a great week we have had in RIH.  We met lots of interesting sea creatures in the story ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ and really enjoyed making up stories with these aquatic friends. We made a wonderful movie as a class which you can see on the blog.

Next week we will be going on another sea adventure with ‘Deep Sea Doctor Dean’, I wonder what creatures he will be helping? In Numeracy we will be counting objects that cannot be moved.

Please be advised that on Monday and Tuesday we will not be having open mornings due to new Reception children coming to visit the classrooms. Please make sure you are in school by nine o’clock as we need to vacate the classrooms promptly.

Have a fantastic weekend my little superstars!

Mr Herlihy

We have been working on this film for the past few days. Check out all our hard work